Professor, Department of Kinesiology
Dr. Shawn Simonson is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Boise State University. Professional certifications include the Senior Fellow from Advance Higher Education (SFHEA), Exercise Physiologist (EP) from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), POGIL Facilitator from The POGIL Project, TBL Trainer-Consultant from the Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC), and Master Scuba Diver Trainer from the Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PADI).
He teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as laboratory and performance-oriented courses. He has been using POGIL since 2008 and facilitating POGIL workshops since 2011 and using TBL since 2012 and a trainer-consultant since 2019. His teaching goal is to make students appropriately uncomfortable as he helps them become life-long learners.
He wants to help them understand themselves as we prepare them for a world of unknowns – unknown jobs, job tasks, and life, environmental, and societal challenges. Thus, he uses POGIL and TBL as well as other active learning strategies. He is a firm believer in experiential learning and focuses much of his effort on students doing and applying content and skills.
Simonson conducts research in exercise (novel conditioning programs) and environmental physiology as well as in the scholarship of teaching and learning. He is currently focused on the assessment of teaching (Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness, FATE) at the university level. Simonson facilitates workshops in a variety of active learning strategies and pedagogies as well as the assessment of teaching.
His passions are scuba diving, working with his hands, teaching, and learning. If he is not participating in some sort of physical activity, he is probably working on a home project, modifying his car, working his dogs, or reading/writing something.
Contact Information:
Office: Norco 116G
Phone: (208) 426-3973